Posts Tagged ‘Eagle Series Blades’

New Blade USMB-AYP-844BP

Posted on: November 9th, 2017 by usmb No Comments


The USA Mower Blades line up is always expanding. The newest mower blade to be added is the USMB-AYP-844BP. The 844BP is a toothed mower blade and part of the Eagle Series line up. Eagle Series Blades, exclusively from USA Mower Blades, are the ultimate 3-in-1 blade and are designed and manufactured for commercial use. These toothed blades can bag, side-discharge, or mulch grass clippings with a higher efficiency than standard, non-toothed blades.


Toothed lawn mower blades are 3-in-1 blades designed for discharge, bagging, and mulching. Toothed blades, while not always true mulching blades, are better for mulching than standard high-lift blades. Eagle Series Blades are toothed blades and are broken down into four categories depending on specifications: E6, E5, E4, and E3.


The 844BP is an E3 – Eagle Series Blade. E3 blades are the thinnest blades in the Eagle Series line but offer excellent durability and longevity. The trade-off for thickness is a discount on USA Mower Blades’ already low prices.


The 844BP will fit certain AYP®, Craftsman®, Husqvarna®, and Poulan® lawn mowers. Two (2) blades are required for 38-inch decks. This blade fits OEMs: 12784, 127842, 134148, 138497, 138970, 139774, 193957, 532134148, 532138497, 581116302, 532127842, 532134148, 532139774.


To learn more about Eagle Series Blades, click here.


To learn more about toothed blades, click here.



For more information on USA Mower Blades please call Customer Service at: 734-863-0149.

USA Mower Blades are available to purchase online from

Don’t Mulch. Just Bag!

Posted on: October 18th, 2017 by usmb No Comments

leaves_aWith fall fast approaching, homeowners and lawn care professionals have two choices when it comes to dealing with leaves: mulch or bag. Mulching is an easy, economical choice but sometimes it is best to bag and remove the fallen leaves, especially when battling tree-borne diseases.


Tar spot fungus is a common tree-born disease that afflicts most maple trees (the exception being Japanese maples). Tar spot appears are large black dots on the maple leaves. The fungus will only affect the leaves of the tree, leaving the rest of the tree unharmed.The black spots are unsightly but will do little other damage. The fungus spreads through the air by spores that come off the fallen leaves. To stop the spread of Tar Spot, it is best to collect and remove all fallen leaves from the area. Leaves should be burned or removed completely. The fungus can survive the winter and will return in the spring in infected leaves are left on the ground, this includes mulched leaves.


The tar spot fungus has been wide-spread this in Northwest Ohio this year – where USA Mower Blades are manufactured. A unseasonable wet spring is the likely culprit. For home owners or lawn care professionals dealing with an infestation, the best defense is to simply pick up the leaves and transport them off site for destruction. USA Mower Blades with medium, high, or extra high lift are ideal for bagging leaves and grass clippings. Eagle Series Blades from USA Mower Blades are 3-in-1 blades that can also be used for bagging.


The Eagle Series Blades from USA Mower Blades are ideal for fall leaf clean up. Eagle Series Blades are high-quality toothed commercial lawn mower blades designed specifically for longevity and durability. These 3-in-1 toothed blades can bag, side-discharge, or mulch grass clippings with a higher efficiency than standard, non-toothed blades. Toothed blades, while not always true mulching blades, are better for mulching than standard high-lift blades. The blade teeth do not have a cutting edge but are used to create extra lift, propelling clippings high into the mower deck. When the grass clippings and leaves fall back down, they are cut again before being lifted back into the deck or falling onto the lawn. Eagle Series Blades are available for many of the most popular commercial mowers on the market. 


If tar spot fungus is not an issue, consider mulching the leaves. The shredded leaves will decompose over the winter and provide a quick nutritional boost for the grass in the spring. For more information on mulching leaves, click here.


For more information about Eagle Series Blades, exclusively from USA Mower Blades, click here.


For more information about USA Mower Blade or for help measuring or determining replacement blades, please call customer service at 734-863-0149 or by e-mail here.

Don’t Rake. Just Mulch!

Posted on: September 20th, 2017 by usmb 1 Comment

As the weather turns cooler, the leaves will soon change color and many lawn care professionals will transition from actively mowing lawns to using their equipment to collect and remove leaves. Instead of removing the leaves, consider mulching them and leaving them on the lawn. The finely shredded leaves will return organic material to the lawn, improving soil quality, and providing a quick nutritional boost in the spring as the leaves are left to decompose. Mulching the leaves act as a free fertilizer since the decomposing leaves will release the nutrients the trees picked up over the summer and return it back into the soil.


Leaf collection using a mower is much easier than raking or blowing but it does mean more yard waste and yet another trip to the recycling center or dump. Mulching mower blades and 3-in-1 blades from USA Mower blades will make quick work of fallen leaves and eliminate the need to collect the leaves.


The Eagle Series Blades from USA Mower Blades are ideal for fall leaf clean up. Eagle Series Blades are high-quality toothed commercial lawn mower blades designed specifically for longevity and durability. These 3-in-1 toothed blades can bag, side-discharge, or mulch grass clippings with a higher efficiency than standard, non-toothed blades. Toothed blades, while not always true mulching blades, are better for mulching than standard high-lift blades. The blade teeth do not have a cutting edge but are used to create extra lift, propelling clippings high into the mower deck. When the grass clippings and leaves fall back down, they are cut again before being lifted back into the deck or falling onto the lawn. Eagle Series Blades are available for many of the most popular commercial mowers on the market. 


USA Mower Blades also manufactures a line of mulching blades. Mulching blades feature more curves and an increased cutting edge. The curved surface and increased cutting edge allows the blade to cut the grass and bring it into the deck where it is cut several more times before falling back onto the lawn in much smaller pieces. The curved design of a mulching blade does not provide the same type of lift and discharge power as a toothed blade.


Click here for more information about Eagle Series Blades, exclusively from USA Mower Blades.


For more information about USA Mower Blade or for help measuring or determining replacement blades, please call customer service at 734-863-0149 or by e-mail here.

Eagle Series Blades from USA Mower Blades

Posted on: May 24th, 2017 by usmb 3 Comments

Eagle Series Blades, exclusively from USA Mower Blades, are the ultimate 3-in-1 blade and are designed and manufactured for commercial use. Eagle Series Blades are high-quality toothed commercial lawn mower blades designed specifically for longevity and durability. These toothed blades can bag, side-discharge, or mulch grass clippings with a higher efficiency than standard, non-toothed blades.



Toothed lawn mower blades are 3-in-1 blades designed for discharge, bagging, and mulching. Toothed blades, while not always true mulching blades, are better for mulching than standard high-lift blades. The blade teeth do not have a cutting edge but are used to create extra lift, propelling grass clippings high into the mower deck. The angle of the teeth is designed to force the grass clipping back toward the cutting edge. When the grass clippings fall back through the mower deck and the blades, they will be cut again before landing on the lawn, discharged through the side, or collected for bagging.



Eagle Series Blades are toothed blades and are broken down into four categories depending on specifications: E6, E5, E4, and E3.


E6 – Eagle Series Blades – 3-inch width x 0.250 thickness

The E6 blades are the widest, thickest blades offered by USA Mower Blades. E6 blades are 3-inches wide and 0.250-inches thick. These extra-thick blades are heavy-duty and will tackle any lawn with ease. Designed for commercial applications, E6 blades offer unmatched durability and longevity. These toothed blades provide more lift and can be used for mulching, side-discharge, or bagging applications.


E5 – Eagle Series Blades – 3-inch width x 0.204 thickness

The E5 blades are 3-inches wide but only 0.204-inches thick. Designed for commercial applications, E5 blades offer excellent durability and longevity. These toothed blades provide more lift and can be used for mulching, side-discharge, or bagging applications.


E4 – Eagle Series Blades – 2-1/2-inch width x 0.250 thickness

The E4 blades are 2-1/2-inches wide and 0.250-inches thick. These extra-thick blades are heavy-duty and will tackle any lawn with ease.  Designed for commercial applications, E4 blades offer unmatched durability and longevity. These toothed blades provide more lift and can be used for mulching, side-discharge, or bagging applications.


E3 – Eagle Series Blades – 2-1/2-inch width x 0.204 thickness.

The E3 blades are 2-1/2-inches wide but only 0.204-inches thick. Designed for commercial applications, E3 blades offer excellent durability and longevity. These toothed blades provide more lift and can be used for mulching, side-discharge, or bagging applications.


For more information about USA Mower Blade or for help measuring or determining replacement blades, please call customer service at 734-863-0149 or by e-mail here.